Does Your Event Need Fire Watch Services?


Will your event need fire watch coverage? The answer is not as simple as most event planners would prefer. You may find yourself hiring armed or unarmed security for your event only to learn later that dedicated fire watch guards are also required. Ultimately, your local fire marshal has the final word on whether fire watch will be needed during your event.

Fire watch guards are on-site during concerts, conferences, and trade shows whenever there are gaps in existing fire safety and security systems. If fire safety systems at your venue are malfunctioning, or are not built to handle the capacity or pyrotechnics of your event, you may need fire watch guards on-site to stay compliant with local fire codes and reduce your liability.

We’ve put together this brief guide for event planners and venue managers to help you determine whether fire watch will be needed for your event, and to help you prepare for fire watch guard arriving on-site. Learn more about deploying fire watch for your upcoming event, and be sure to contact us when guards are needed.

The International Code Council (ICC) is the organization that drafts many of the codes and standards promoting safe operations for individuals and businesses worldwide. Many municipalities use ICC codes to build their own legal literature for fire codes, building codes, and industrial standards.

Regarding fire watch for events, the ICC outlines the basic requirements in their annually-published International Fire Code:

403.11.1 Fire watch personnel.

Where, in the opinion of the fire code official, it is essential for public safety in a place of assembly or any other place where people congregate, because of the number of persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity, the owner, agent or lessee shall provide one or more fire watch personnel, as required and approved.

What this means for your event:

Fire marshals or their representatives could conduct an inspection at any time. If fire code officials determine that your event will exceed a venue’s built-in fire safety capacity, you may be required to deploy fire watch guards. To ensure compliance with local fire codes, marshals most commonly mandate fire watch at venues that have:

  • Inoperative fire safety systems
  • Crowds that create a fire hazard
  • Hot Work” such as welding occurring on-site
  • Pyrotechnics that exceed the capabilities of built-in safety systems

Failure to deploy fire watch security guards could result in fines due to fire code non-compliance. In addition, personnel and property could suffer critical damage if fire risks are not properly identified and mitigated. The threat of damage is serious enough that ICC codes go beyond requirements for fire watch—stipulating the need for comprehensive safety and evacuation plans for event planners:

403.11.2 Public safety plan for gatherings.

Where the fire code official determines that an indoor or outdoor gathering of persons has an adverse impact on public safety through diminished access to buildings, structures, fire hydrants and fire apparatus access roads or where such gatherings adversely affect public safety services of any kind, the fire code official shall have the authority to order the development of or prescribe a public safety plan that provides an approved level of public safety…

ICC codes specify ten areas of concern that must be addressed in any protection plan submitted to fire code officials. You should consider bringing in fire watch guards to help during the planning stages of an eventfire watch professionals can help provide risk assessments to address the ICC’s ten-point list:

  1. Emergency vehicle ingress and egress.
  2. Fire protection.
  3. Emergency egress or escape routes.
  4. Emergency medical services.
  5. Public assembly areas.
  6. The directing of both attendees and vehicles, including the parking of vehicles.
  7. Vendor and food concession distribution.
  8. The need for the presence of law enforcement.
  9. The need for fire and emergency medical services personnel.
  10. The need for a weather monitoring person.

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Preparing for Fire Watch Service

Authorities may require you to submit a comprehensive fire safety plan before your event. When developing your plan, it is essential to designate the on-site contacts responsible for fire safety and implementing fire watch recommendations. Ensure deployed fire watch guards know who they are reporting to, and specify the communication protocols they must follow to report risks quickly.

When preparing for fire watch services on-site, keep in mind the duties of fire watch guards, as spelled out in the ICC’s literature:

403.11.1.1 Duty times.

Fire watch personnel shall remain on duty while places requiring a fire watch are open to the public, or when an activity requiring a fire watch is being conducted.

403.11.1.2 Duties.

On-duty fire watch personnel shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Keep diligent watch for fires, obstructions to means of egress and other hazards.
  2. Take prompt measures for remediation of hazards and extinguishment of fires that occur.
  3. Take prompt measures to assist in the evacuation of the public from the structures.

Make sure your team is aware of communication protocols during fire watch. In addition, having everyone on-site understand the essential duties of fire watch guards will ensure swift responses if an active threat is detected. A fire watch preparation checklist could go along way to achieving these goals.

Most importantly, you should consider fire watch guards early in your event planning process. If you suspect that authorities may mandate fire watch at your event, you could find yourself having to source guards with minimal advanced notice. Your best bet is to partner with a reliable fire watch company in your region well in advance. That way, you can be sure your events will proceed on schedule even if fire watch is needed in a pinch.


Partner With The Guard Alliance Today

The Guard Alliance has decades of experience safeguarding event venues across the USA. Our guards undergo advanced training to advise you on fire code compliance before, during, and after your event. Our professionals will carry out all the legal responsibilities required during fire watch, abiding by the preparation checklist and communication protocols that you establish. 

You can rely on The Guard Alliance to protect attendees, staff, and property from liability and fire damage. Contact our sales team to get started, and let us know of any upcoming events that could benefit from security or fire watch guards.

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