Chemical and Petrochem Plants


Working with petroleum and other chemicals is a demanding job. Your staff handles valuable and potentially hazardous materials every day, and due to those possible dangers, many external people are aware of the exact location of such plants. This factor makes these plants a target for those who may want to vandalize, steal or trespass on the grounds. To maintain adequate protection in these essential areas, on-site chemical plant security is vital, and The Guard Alliance is ready to serve.


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Our Custom Petrochemical Security Services

Our comprehensive security services offer your chemical plant better protection and productivity levels. When you choose The Guard Alliance for your security needs, be sure to ask us about our:

The Need for Petrochemical Plant Security

Petrochemical plant security plays an important role in maintaining process safety and protection from outside influences. While many operations hire security to prevent trespassers from stealing valuable equipment or getting into dangerous situations, on-site security also provides extra sets of eyes to ensure facility processes are running smoothly. The Guard Alliance teams serve as observers in the workspace who may be able to point out hazardous working conditions or potential risks that may otherwise be overlooked, making your plant safer for everyone who works and researches in the area.

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Making Sure That No Security Threats Disrupt Your Chemical or Petrochem Plant Is Our Job.

No One Does It Better Than Our Agency – Which Is A Fact Proven By Decades Of Profound Experience!

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