5 Businesses That Can Benefit From Professional Security Guards

5 Businesses That Can Benefit From Professional Security Guards

Security guard professionals are able to secure and protect a multitude of different properties, and are certified by the state they reside in with the proper training and information to protect properties, places, and people. Although hiring security for your company may seem like a foreign action, or unfamiliar, many types of businesses have seen…

Security Guard Services In The Bay Area Are On The Rise

Security Guard Services In The Bay Area Are On The Rise

In this short read, learn why security services in the San Francisco Bay Area are on the rise, and what people living in these areas are doing to prevent crime. With the recent uptick of break-ins, car theft, catalytic converter thefts, and home invasions in the San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding areas, many are…

Why Fire Watch Services Are Invaluable

Why Fire Watch Services Are Invaluable

The Importance of Fire Watch Services Fire watch services are invaluable to property owner’s everywhere, but why are they so important to have? Ensuring Physical System Security Fire watch services are invaluable because they provide physical system security for a property, agency, etc. when a fire panel is down, or where there is “hot-work” on…